Increase in number of fatalities in Lancashire's hospitals

Coronavirus fatalities rise at Blackpool Victoria Hospital and other Lancashire hospitalsCoronavirus fatalities rise at Blackpool Victoria Hospital and other Lancashire hospitals
Coronavirus fatalities rise at Blackpool Victoria Hospital and other Lancashire hospitals | jpimedia
The number of people who have died in hospital in Blackpool after testing positive for Covid-19 has risen to 30.

The latest figures from NHS England include four more confirmed deaths in the last 24 hours for Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, which runs Blackpool Victoria Hospital.

The update includes revised figures for recent days, which are adjusted as more tests results come back, meaning some of the newly reported deaths may have happened several days ago.

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The statistics include patients who died in hospital - but not other places, such as care homes. The total number of hospital at Lancashire’s NHS trusts are:

Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - 24

Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - 30

East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust - 23

University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust* - 76

Nationally, the number of casualties reached 7,984 - 887 up on the previous day's figures

Note: As well as the Royal Lancaster Infirmary, UHMBT also runs two hospitals outside Lancashire: Furness General Hospital, in Barrow, and Westmorland General Hospital, in Kendal.