Whoever said he would never work with children or animals obviously never met this charming trio. For Scarlett O'Neal, Sarah Lynch and Sandy the dog are delighting audiences in the latest touring version of Annie, being presented at Blackpool's Grand TheatreWhoever said he would never work with children or animals obviously never met this charming trio. For Scarlett O'Neal, Sarah Lynch and Sandy the dog are delighting audiences in the latest touring version of Annie, being presented at Blackpool's Grand Theatre
Whoever said he would never work with children or animals obviously never met this charming trio. For Scarlett O'Neal, Sarah Lynch and Sandy the dog are delighting audiences in the latest touring version of Annie, being presented at Blackpool's Grand Theatre | jpimedia

This is how Lancashire looked in 1987

A selection of your photographs from days gone by.

This week we are looking at 1987. Do you recognise yourself or anyone else in these pictures? Let us know. READ MORE: Stories that hit the headlines back in 1987

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