Online cocktail course: learn how to make cocktails at home with professional mixology classes

Learn how to make cocktails at home with an online mixology class
A certified sommelier takes you through mixology, tricks and tips, classic cocktail recipes, and how to make cocktails at home to a professional standard

The perfect, ice-sharp vodka martini, citrus summer cocktails like a rum-laced daiquiri or spiky tequila margarita, a classic whisky sour to end the day: there’s a cocktail for every occasion, and life can - trust us-  be immeasurably improved by learning how to make them.

While you can find pre-mixed spirits in supermarkets, nothing compares to the taste of a freshly-made cocktail or glass of your favourite tipple. While tinned cocktails are usually thin, synthetic, and underwhelming, a hand-crafted cocktail, made to your preferences, will be smooth, balanced, and delightfully strong.

So, why not make some drinks yourself? The art of mixology is fascinating, and anyone can learn with the right training.  

The Mixologist & Budding Bartender Bundle provides the perfect education, with nine online courses from a certified sommelier. The included training is worth £322 in total, but this bundle is available at StackSocial for only £21.51 - an exclusive 93 per cent discount. 

Preparing cocktails and spirits may be treated like an art by many commentators, but it is in fact a craft - one that, with work, anyone can master. A great mixologist can teach you how different cocktail ingredients interact and balance each other, how to tweak quantities to produce the perfect refreshment. Meanwhile, sommeliers understand the back-story of every bottle.

With this bundle, you learn their professional secrets. The training covers 10 hours of hands-on video tutorials, covering a wide variety of flavours and techniques. Individual courses focus on whisky, brandy, gin, vodka, sake, wine, tequila and mezcal, and rum. The lessons talk about the origins of each liquor, along with the various types and their properties.

The bundle also provides in-depth training on cocktails and liqueurs, from brands to mixing techniques. For anyone who loves a good cocktail, it’s a very rewarding learning experience.

Your instructor is Carlos Batista, a certified sommelier who has worked in the hospitality industry for more than 20 years. He has 11 books to his name on the subject of drinks and hospitality, and his online courses have earned him a rating of 4.3 stars from previous students.

Order today for £21.51 to get lifetime access to all nine courses, and save over £300 on the price of this training.

Prices subject to change 

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